July 26, 2023
Joints are the connections between bones that allow you to bend your elbows, knees, neck, and hips, among others. Along with our bones, it is usual for our joints to degenerate with age, leading to illnesses such as osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease that affects almost a third of 60-year-olds. Likewise, excessive use of a single joint over the course of our life can also cause pain and restrict mobility. Even the simplest of movements, such as reaching for a glass on a shelf, can become practically difficult when our joints wear out.
You may be ageing, but that does not mean you must suffer a lifetime of painful movement and decreased mobility. It is never too late to make adjustments to your lifestyle that will improve your quality of life.
Having strong bones and healthy joints goes hand in hand. Your joints are just one part of your musculoskeletal system that you must maintain; in fact, the best way to take care of your joints is to maintain strong muscles, ligaments, and bones.
The most important thing you can do for your joints is to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight range according to your body type. Obesity is one of the most significant risk factors for developing osteoarthritis, as our joints have work significantly harder when we are overweight. In fact, research indicates that a person's knees are subjected to four times more stress for every additional pound gained. This is why knee surgery or total knee replacement is so common among obese elderly persons. When you lose weight, the pressure on your joints will decrease, lowering your chance of developing osteoarthritis.
To alleviate some of the joint discomfort you're experiencing, begin by incorporating a few basic lifestyle modifications into your everyday routine. These same lifestyle modifications, along with a few others, can also increase bone density and lessen the likelihood of future pain and damage.
Daily exercise will ease joint pain and aid in the prevention of osteoarthritis, in addition to strengthening your bones! Initially, if you are having joint pain, physical exercise may seem challenging. Nevertheless, over time, as the inflammation in your joints decreases, physical activity will actually lower your discomfort.
A balanced diet helps in weight loss, and certain foods can even alleviate osteoarthritis-related joint discomfort. Salmon, olive oil, and green tea all provide joint and cardiovascular health benefits.
Your physician can advise you on joint pain-relieving supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin. Before adding these supplements to your regimen for joint care, you should consult with a physician, as research is still being conducted on them. Add calcium and vitamin D supplements to your diet if you aren't getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet to ensure strong bones.
Even if you currently have osteoarthritis or osteoporosis, lifestyle modifications can significantly improve your joint and bone health. You can avoid knee surgery and other risks associated with joint degeneration by losing weight today.